Mar 10, 2013

Lightning Flies

Lightning Bug
Fly fishing in medium deep flows usually isn't a big problem, using nymphing techniques and proper wading equipment.  Problems may occur during the dusk, in the evening, or in the early morning. I tried to tye some lightning (flourescent) flies for these situations, increasing the visibility of the nymphs or the streamers.
I beg to remark that these flies are self lightning and NOT shining, they have their own light, after a flash illumination.
Used materials and some samples will be presented.
Lightning Fibers

...In the Dark
Flourescent Thread, Lightning Sheets

...In the Dark
Lightning Bug, Thread body, peacock thorax, thread tinsel, 

...In the Dark
Bead head nymph, fluo-thread underbody, catgut tinsel, seal-fur thorax

...In the Dark

Fluo-thread underbody, covered with lightning fiber tinsel

...In the Dark
Lightning bugs

...In the Dark
Streamers with fluo-fibers

...In the Dark
For bigger deep seawater (50-150 m) flies (size 9/0) I used Fishing Light Vials,
 the silicone-tube support is fixed to the hook shank

...These vials are durable (6-8 hours)


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Érdekes, bár régi téma.
    Ezeket az anyagokat angolul inkább a "phosphorescent" néven említjük.

    A "lightning" pedig villámot jelent.


  2. A "lightning bug - világító bogár" analógiája alapján bátorkodtam "lightning fly"-nak nevezni.

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    A név rendben van. Azért bátorkodtam hozzászólni, hogyha valakinek megtetszene a légy, meg szeretné kötni, és utána keresne az interneten, akkor "phosphorescent" kötőanyagot keressen.

  4. OK, és kösz a figyelmet!
